If you need a cognitive-behavioral therapy program to help you cope with addiction, The Addiction Recovery Institute of America is here to talk with you. We offer a variety of treatment options for clients at every stage of the addiction and recovery process. With the right support in place, you can receive the help you need at every step. Recovery is much easier when you build a strong support network and commit fully to the process. You are the only one who can change your circumstances, and you deserve to heal from your addiction.
For most individuals in recovery, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) plays a crucial role in the healing process. In the next sections, we’ll explore how this form of therapy works.
Types of CBT
There is no “one size fits all” approach in cognitive-behavioral therapy. This is why CBT incorporates various techniques and methods designed to address negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in a way that is best suited to the individual. The different CBT approaches include:
- Cognitive Therapy – This approach focuses on identifying distorted mental, behavioral, and emotional patterns, and helping the patient find ways to change them into healthy and well-rounded responses to triggers.
- Dialectal Behavior Therapy (DBT) – This approach centers on negative thoughts and emotions while developing strategies for mindfulness, emotional regulation, and self-calming.
- Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) –This approach addresses irrational thought patterns and focuses on finding ways to challenge and change these beliefs.
- Multimodal Therapy – This type of CBT treats psychological issues by identifying and addressing concerns stemming from seven different but interconnected modalities: cognition, affect, imagery, sensation, interpersonal factors, and drug/environmental considerations.
Understanding a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program
CBT uses an “interventionist strategy” to repair distorted thinking patterns and behaviors. It is helpful for treating anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, and other mental health issues. Clinicians often use CBT to support individuals with substance use disorders because it helps clients change the destructive thinking that frequently accompanies addiction. Here is a sampling of what you can expect from a cognitive-behavioral therapy program:
- To learn how negative thought patterns emerge and cause problems in your life.
- Begin to unlearn negative patterns of behavior and make positive changes in your life.
- To acquire new problem-solving skills that allow you to think more clearly about your situation.
- New and more effective techniques of symptom management.
- You make a connection between the mind and body, as well as how to manage your thoughts.
In a cognitive-behavioral therapy program, you will discuss your addiction triggers and the thoughts or behaviors that contributed to your addiction. You might feel depressed or believe that nothing will ever change in your life. You may feel as though you have no control over your circumstances or that recovery is not possible. Through CBT, you will learn that you have the ability to make positive changes in your life and heal from your addiction.
Gain Control Of Negative Thoughts and Behaviors
When you focus on mental health treatment in addiction recovery, your therapist will use CBT strategies to help you gain better control over negative thoughts and behaviors. While it may seem challenging at first, you will uncover your negative thought patterns one by one. As each thought or behavior is identified, you will discuss alternative ways to approach the situation. Negative thoughts and behaviors don’t improve your life and can make living with addiction nearly impossible. Some negative thoughts or behaviors can include:
- Feeling like your life will never change.
- Turning to drugs or alcohol to deal with tough emotions.
- You feel like a failure and giving up too fast.
- Denying your true feelings and refusing to talk openly about them
Your thinking patterns have a significant impact on your ability to achieve recovery. As you learn more about CBT, you will uncover your strengths and make positive changes in your life. Your progress will help you avoid relapse and move forward with a more positive attitude. You have strengths, but it’s important to take the time to discover and harness them for your recovery journey.
Common Techniques
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is more than just identifying negative thought patterns; the goal is to help you overcome these thoughts through various techniques such as:
New coping methods. It is crucial to find healthy coping mechanisms that you can use in real-world situations. Triggers can occur anywhere, at any time, and you need to be prepared with the right coping strategies to identify and avoid them.
Goal Setting. Setting goals is a crucial step in your CBT journey. Our therapists will assist you in creating SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based targets. Additionally, we will help you develop a plan to achieve these goals, providing support every step of the way.
Self-Monitoring. We believe that self-monitoring is one of the most effective ways to track your progress. You will be asked to maintain an updated journal of your behaviors and responses to triggers, which you will share with your therapist. Self-monitoring allows your therapist to track your progress and determine the best course of action throughout your CBT.
Find A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Program Now
At the Addiction Recovery Institute of America, we use a variety of treatment methods to help you heal from substance addiction. Through mental health treatment focused on addiction therapy, we get you on the path to recovery. You can move forward in your life when you are willing to make positive changes. Contact us at (606) 462-3001 to learn more about the programs we can offer you. With the right treatment, you will be able to overcome addiction and learn new ways to address your mental health needs.