Crystal meth is a term used to refer to methamphetamine, a highly addictive drug with numerous street names such as speed, chalk, or crank. Methamphetamine attracts users of all ages, and most individuals who try crystal meth develop a strong desire to continue using it.

The addictive nature of crystal meth stems from its ability to stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain. This powerful and dangerous stimulant quickly begins to have negative effects on the body. It can cause a range of health issues, including memory loss, psychotic behavior, brain damage, drastic mood swings, and depletion of resources needed for vital bodily functions.

Crystal meth can devastate the lives of those struggling with addiction. The first step in addressing this addiction is a meth detox program, which removes the substance from the body. Detoxing from meth can be challenging, with difficult withdrawal symptoms, but the benefits of overcoming meth addiction far outweigh the negative side effects of detox. This is where ARIA can help. If you’re ready to begin healing from this addiction, our meth detox program at our Kentucky addiction rehab center will help you safely end your dependence on meth.


Crystal meth is a form of methamphetamine, a potent stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Derived from amphetamine, which is used in cough suppressants and other over-the-counter medications, meth is far more powerful on the brain even at the same dose. Unlike cocaine, which is metabolized quickly, meth remains in the system and stimulates the brain for much longer. Short-term effects can include:

  • Euphoric high
  • Decreased appetite
  • Decreased fatigue and increased attention
  • Rapid or irregular heart rate
  • Increased activity and wakefulness

Over time, the brain builds a tolerance to meth, meaning more of the drug is required to achieve the same, or even a diminished, effect. As this happens, the body may start to experience withdrawal symptoms after just hours or days without the drug. Long-term effects of meth use can include:

  • Significant anxiety
  • Rapid mood swings
  • Paranoia
  • Delusions
  • Violent behavior
  • Severe dental problems
  • Weight loss


Because meth is so highly addictive, quitting without medical supervision is generally not recommended, and for most people, it is not feasible. Some individuals can develop an addiction after just one or two uses. Withdrawal symptoms may vary but typically last for about seven to ten days.

However, withdrawal can last longer depending on the substance involved and the duration of use. Symptoms of meth withdrawal can include:

  • Intense cravings
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Nausea
  • Dehydration
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations


Currently, there are no drugs proven to directly remove crystal meth from the body. However, a medically-assisted detox program aimed at managing withdrawal symptoms can greatly aid in the detox process and help maintain long-term sobriety. Treating meth withdrawal symptoms with the right medications can assist in regulating sleep and managing cravings. These medications can also alleviate cognitive effects of meth use, such as memory loss and difficulty processing information. Antidepressants can help by regulating dopamine, the brain’s chemical messenger responsible for pleasure and focus. They have also been shown to support heart health and relieve other depressive symptoms.

At ARIA, we understand that drug addiction is a medical condition that requires treatment, not a moral failure. You will be treated with dignity and respect during your stay with us. Our goal is to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the detox process. Our medically supervised detox program is located onsite at our Kentucky facility and offers a safe, drug-free environment for you to focus on recovery from meth abuse. You’ll have 24-hour access to a team of licensed medical professionals who will monitor you closely. We will provide plenty of fluids, nutritious meals and snacks, and the appropriate medication based on your care plan.


Once your body is free of meth, you will transition into our residential treatment program, where we will continue to monitor your medical needs as your body adjusts. During this phase, you will participate in individual and group therapy to address the mental and behavioral impacts of addiction. We will help you identify your triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and repair relationships with your loved ones. As you progress, you will gradually move into either our Partial Hospitalization Program or Intensive Outpatient Program. Our ultimate goal is to help you regain your best life, drug-free, and maintain long-term sobriety well after treatment.

Detox may be a difficult first step in getting clean, but considering the serious effects of meth abuse, it is absolutely worth it. If you or a loved one is struggling with meth addiction, the treatment specialists at the Addiction Recovery Institute of America are here to help. Undergoing detox in a treatment facility not only provides medical supervision but also offers a safer environment away from drugs. Being in a detox facility also provides critical support and removes you from the environment where drug use occurred. Don’t wait to get the help you need. Our caring and professional treatment team is standing by. Call us at (606) 462-3001 or complete our confidential online form for more information.